What Is The Best Hair Colour For Me?

There are a few key things you should consider when deciding what hair colour best suits you. Rather than simply opting for your favourite colour, you may want to think about your skin tone and eye colour too. Let's take a closer look at how to determine the best hair colour for you below.

How to work out the best hair colour for you

Skin tone

One of the main indicators of what hair colour would look best on you is your skin tone. But to determine this, you first need to work out what skin tone you have by looking at its undertones. Commonly, cool-toned skin has chillier blue and olive undertones. In contrast, if you notice a more yellow and gold undertone, you have warm-toned skin.

Another way to check your skin tone is by looking at your wrists and veins. If you have blue or purple veins, you’re probably cool-toned. If they seem to be green, you’re more likely to be warm-toned.

The hair colour you choose should compliment your skin and bring out the subtleties of your skin tone, amplifying its natural beauty. If you choose the wrong hair colour, you can end up making your skin look washed out or dull.

Eye colour

Your eye colour can also be used to help determine what colour hair would best suit you, especially if you're not sure what undertone your skin is. Have a look at your eyes in the mirror and take note of the specks in them. If you notice a lot of gold specks, you’re likely to have warm undertones.

Alternatively, if you see a lot of blue and greens in your eyes, there’s a higher chance your undertones are cool. It's worth remembering that choosing the right hair colour can also help to accentuate your eyes, so the benefits go both ways.

Good hair colours for warm tones

It has been suggested that if your skin tends towards warmer tones, then you should opt for warmer-toned hair colours too. This includes caramels, coppers, rich mahogany, chestnut, golden blondes, strawberry blondes and warm reds. These will bring out the natural glow in your skin.

Good hair colours for cool tones

If you have cool-toned skin, you might find better results in cooler-coloured hair with a blue or lilac base, such as light, icy or platinum blonde, ash blonde and dark ash brown.

Good hair colours for blue eyes

If your eyes are blue, you might find that you can accentuate this with caramel or golden blonde tones.

Good hair colours for green eyes

If you have green eyes, a red tone could be better to play off the colour with a warmer, fiery hair choice.

How to achieve the hair colour you want

Once you’ve decided on the best hair colour for you based on the factors above, the next step is to find a hair colourist. Ebony Rose Hair Design offers professional services and can cater to your individual wishes. Why not get your dream style today!

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